Friday, January 27, 2017

Materialism Vs Spiritualism

There you go.. back to the blog sooner than expected and to the 2nd post of the year :)

Did you ever find yourself skipping a meal or losing track of time when you are doing something you are really passionate about? Whether it is music, painting, writing, sports or talking to your loved ones or whatever is it that you are passionate about - when you do that, you operate into a different space where you are able to bypass all the physical (hunger) and mental (distraction) signals! That's magical, and when you engage yourself in doing more of that on a regular basis, certain patterns become stronger in your consciousness! 

I know that the topic of spirituality is very subjective and I don't claim to be an expert in that field, but here is what I have observed happening when I engage myself in doing something I am really passionate about! When I focus on those patterns, I could see that many of them are actually more inclined towards what spirituality is all about. Here is the summary of those subtle observations!

 Materialism/Materialist world                                       Spiritualism

1. Focuses on quantity                                                    1. Focuses on quality
2. It's about gathering Information                                    2. It's about Transformation
3. here you merely go through life                                    3. here you grow through life
4. proving something to the world                                    4. Improving something in your own world
5. It may give you lifestyle                                              5. It gives you life
6. It's about attraction                                                     6. It's about satisfaction

The question is - where are we more inclined towards?

Live with Passion,

Much Love,


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Do we have an Option?


Belated wishes for the new year 2017... Hope you have not yet given up on your new resolutions :)

It has been quite long since I have written a blog post and got connected with you all..! But here it is, I am breaking that pattern and sharing some insight I have had recently...! 

I am sure we all have heard of an importance of being in the "present" moment as that's where the happiness is. But let's be honest, we all have a habit of thinking about past and future, but have we ever thought, what impact does it have on our emotions! It is important to pause and pay attention to what kind of emotions we feel more often because the quality of our life is nothing but the quality of our emotions! 

If we examine the emotion of sadness, depression, anxiety or disappointment and zoom in it, it will be revealed that while experiencing these emotions, we are mostly thinking about either the past or sometimes about the future. Even though these emotions are unpleasant, we visit them often as by doing these, we meet our needs of feeling significant, connected or in control. For many people, these emotions are "Home" to them as they have visited them so many times and they are good at it. And if their loved ones try to help them by bringing them out of these emotions, they may get angry and pissed. Think about the impact these patterns would have on the relationships they have with others!

So what's the solution?

The solution is - If you had to think about your past, be selective about which one to keep in front of you and which one behind you! 

For example, think about the past when you had achieved something, when you have had a major breakthrough or when you felt an immense amount of happiness and ecstasy! As you think about this past, your emotions turn into happiness and excitement. You are more hopeful about life, your body posture and your spoken words changes and guess what it does to your present? You are in the state of joy where you take better decisions and actions! 

So the idea is to train yourself with the emotions of ecstasy, happiness and excitement by visiting the very event that created these emotions in the past or by creating a situation or event that makes you feel this way. By doing this more often, your emotional "Home" will change and remember, the quality of our life is nothing but the quality of our emotions!  

Have an awesome day ahead!

Love in abundance!
